Jenni Douglas

Jenni Douglas MRICS FAAV


Jenni joined Seed & Co in 2013 having previously worked with FBR Ltd since 2008. Jenni services a client base throughout Scotland dealing with all matters concerning CAP reform and agri-environmental schemes. Closer to home she is an agent for the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation and undertakes a significant number of AMC Loan Applications and valuations. She is a Member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS), a Registered Valuer and a Fellow of the Association of Agricultural Valuers (FAAV).

More recently Jenni has become an accredited farm business adviser through the LANTRA’s Farm Business Adviser Accreditation Scheme for Scotland (FBAASS) and can now deliver Integrated Land Management Plans (ILMP), apply for funding towards Carbon Audits and Soil Sampling for landowners as part of the Scottish Government’s Preparing for Sustainable Farming initiative.

Away from the company, Jenni is an active member of SAAVA & the South of Scotland & Border Valuers’ Association.

Following her promotion to Director in February 2023, Jenni will lead the FBRSeed team on everything from carbon audits to government policies, environmental schemes, and biodiversity.

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