Changes to the Repairing Standards for Private Rented Sector March 2024

24 November 2023

Repairing Standards Updates 2024

All landlords in the Private Rented Sector in Scotland are required to adhere to housing legislation and ensure their property complies with both the Tolerable Standards and the Repairing Standards.

From the 1st of March 2024, the Repairing Standards are being updated, and all landlords of privately rented properties in Scotland must comply with the new legislation.

The Repairing Standard

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 introduced the repairing standard to properties let in the Private Rented Sector. Since being introduced it has been modified and updated with some new requirements coming into force. To meet the repairing standard at present the Landlord must ensure:

a) The property is wind and watertight, and in all other respects, reasonably suitable for people to live in;

b) The structure and exterior including drains, gutters and external pipes, must be in a reasonable state of repair and in proper working order;

c) Installation of water, gas and electricity, sanitation, space heating and heating water must be in a reasonable state of repair and in proper working order;

d) Fixtures, fittings and appliances provided by the landlord under the tenancy must be in a reasonable state of repair and in proper working order;

e) Furnishings provided by the landlord under the tenancy must be capable of being used safely for their intended purpose; and

f) the property must meet the tolerable standard.

Forthcoming Changes to The Repairing Standard from March 2024

  1. Amendment to point c) above to stipulate that water pipes must be free from lead. Refer to Annex D18, pages 31 and 32 for further information and Scottish Water.
  2. Implementation of a Legionella Risk Assessment at the commencement of a new tenancy and biannually ie every 2 years thereafter. Refer to Annex D28 and D29, page 33 for further information.
  3. Requirement for electrical installations to be protected by a residual current device (RCD). Refer to Annex D.54, page 38, for further information.
  4. Properties must have a fixed space heating system with installations for fuels other than gas and electricity to be in a reasonable state of repair and proper working order. Refer to Annex D6, page 49, for further information.
  5. Ensure that any common areas associated with the property are accessible and can be used safely. Refer to Annex H, page 55 for further information.
  6. Provision and safe access to a food storage area and food preparation space within the property. Refer to Annex G, page 53 and 54 for further information.
  7. In tenement properties, common doors must be secure and fitted with satisfactory emergency locks. Refer to Annex I, page 56 for further information.

For listed Annex information and all required details to the Repairing Standards, click here.

All landlords must ensure they understand the standards required of their properties and take necessary action to comply with the new legislation. As registered letting agents, our experienced property team can provide straightforward letting guidance and assist you in ensuring your property meets the legal requirements. For more information on the points above or our managed property services, please contact our property team by emailing or by calling 01573 224381.

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