20 January 2021
The Scottish Borders Council released their Proposed Local Development Plan (LDP) in November and are welcoming representations until the 25th of January. This document sets out land use proposals and planning policies which are intended to guide development and inform planning decisions within the local area over the next ten years.
If you own land in the Scottish Borders, you should review the proposed plan and settlement maps to identify if there are any potential new developments which could impact your property. Again, representations can be submitted until the 25th of January so we encourage you to act quickly if you would like to make any comments.
Prior to submitting representations take a look at their introductory video which summarises the LDP process. You can also view the interactive map which gives a more detailed view of the proposed developments. The Local Development Plan, interactive video and map can be viewed through this webpage.
Representations can be submitted through their Citizen Space tool, by emailing localplan@scotborders.gov.uk or by writing to Forward Planning, Council Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells, TD6 0SA.
Our Planning and Development team would also be pleased to offer guidance about any potential development opportunities on your land. They have experience covering a wide range of projects including residential developments, change of use, farm buildings, renewables, agricultural dwellings, planning appeals and more. Make sure your project is reaching its full planning potential by having the right team on board from the initial planning stages.
Please get in touch with our team by emailing reception@fbrseed.com if you require further information about the Local Development Plan or any other development prospects.